All data related to medicine & healthcare (e.g. disease rates, health care expenditures, and staffing). Healthcare business related data for hospitals, physicians, assisted living, and child care (NAICS code series 62). Excludes health insurance provider data. IMPORTANT: No HIPA related data may be sold or shared on Data & Sons
Dataset consisting of 200+ single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with treatment response, specifically for skin conditions. File CSV includes variant ID, allele, gene, drug, functional influence and chromosome position. This information can be used in SNP panel development.
Dataset consisting of 450+ single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with popular skin conditions. File CSV includes variant ID, allele, gene and functional influence. This information can be used in SNP panel development.
8k data with Cannabis businesses list details Contains:
Company Name
Sources Link
Contact Name
Contact Title
Get access to a comprehensive list of medical supply stores across the USA. Our CSV file contains around 4700 rows of data with each row containing name, type of service, rating, phone number, website, address, state, city. The rating field consists of two parts. For example, consider the rating 4.3(1350). The first part 4.3 shows the score 4.3 out of 5. The second part is very important and shows the number of reviews submitted for this store. Get your hands on this data today and make informed decisions for your business.
Life is a beautiful journey that is meant to be embraced to the fullest every day. However, that doesn't mean you always wake up ready to seize the day, and sometimes need a reminder that life is a great gift. Whether a funny quote from a famous celebrity or an encouraging message about giving it your best from a successful business person, we can all use a little motivation and inspiration these days via a life quote.
Allow these 3000 inspirational quotes about life to give you an extra pep in your step whenever you may need it. Keep these life quotes bookmarked on your phone or computer to pull up and scroll through whenever you need a little pick me up.
Search Criteria- - Search as a guest - What type of care are you searching for? - Medical - What state do you want to search with? First we need CA, NY, NJ, PA, MA, Washington DC, and MD. Please give us this as a field so that we know which doctor is in what state - What type of plan do you want to search with? Please do Medical Networks on-Exchange, Medical (Individuals & Families), and Medical (Employer-Sponsored) - Plan/Network -ONLY ONE- Anthem Gold Advantage PPO - Need to search by COUNTIES of that States - Search by Care Provider - Behavioral Health REMARK THIS ONE- When you conduct the search I've already identified, it brings back a list of providers. Then there are additional filters at the top. From the "specialty" filter, Need to exclude these, and only include the remaining? • Applied Behavioral Analysis • Medication Assisted Treatment • Methadone • NP/Nurses • VA • Behavioral Health Facility
Fields- Plan Type, Plan Network, Name, Specialty, Full Address, State, Website, Email, Phone, Area of expertise
The data contains the following information:
Country- this is the country for which the vaccination information is provided;
Country ISO Code - ISO code for the country;
Date - date for the data entry; for some of the dates we have only the daily vaccinations, for others, only the (cumulative) total;
Total number of vaccinations - this is the absolute number of total immunizations in the country;
Total number of people vaccinated - a person, depending on the immunization scheme, will receive one or more (typically 2) vaccines; at a certain moment, the number of vaccination might be larger than the number of people;
Total number of people fully vaccinated - this is the number of people that received the entire set of immunization according to the immunization scheme (typically 2); at a certain moment in time, there might be a certain number of people that received one vaccine and another number (smaller) of people that received all vaccines in the scheme;
Daily vaccinations (raw) - for a certain data entry, the number of vaccination for that date/country;
Daily vaccinations - for a certain data entry, the number of vaccination for that date/country;
Total vaccinations per hundred - ratio (in percent) between vaccination number and total population up to the date in the country;
Total number of people vaccinated per hundred - ratio (in percent) between population immunized and total population up to the date in the country;
Total number of people fully vaccinated per hundred - ratio (in percent) between population fully immunized and total population up to the date in the country;
Number of vaccinations per day - number of daily vaccination for that day and country;
Daily vaccinations per million - ratio (in ppm) between vaccination number and total population for the current date in the country;
Vaccines used in the country - total number of vaccines used in the country (up to date);
Source name - source of the information (national authority, international organization, local organization etc.);
Source website - website of the source of information;
Track the progress of COVID-19 vaccination What vaccines are used and in which countries? What country is vaccinated more people? What country is vaccinated a larger percent from its population?
This data is valuble in relation to the health, financial, and engineering sectors.