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Datasets on Communal Perspectives of Violence and Safety
$13,500.00 to $11,500.00
Rows: 203
Category: Social Sciences
This dataset illustrates civilian perspectives of security, safety, trust and reliance on state versus non-state security actors in hotspot and fragile areas within Kenya. This dataset covers four counties (Mombasa, Lamu, Wajir, and Garissa), and is a vast data that captures underlying issues such as identity and trust, which are exacerbated by the lack of awareness and language barrier between communities and state security forces. Non-state security actors, on the other hand, play an important role in areas that cannot be accessed by national police and other state security forces. This is why non-state security actors were created and supported by the Kenyan state, and it is important to mention that these groups were developed on traditional systems such as Local Peace Committees, and clan-elected community policing members to enhance peace and mitigate conflicts.  This data also sheds light on the relationship between the state and different ethnic communities in Kenya, as well as the role played by non-state security actors. 
Culture and networks
Rows: 123
Category: Social Sciences
Participants were 122 individuals from a fire department. The total number of employees at the fire department were 184 people. Participants were at all levels of the organization. The data includes both cultural measures from O'Reilly, Chapman, and Caldwell (1991) and a network analysis where participants were asked to identify up to five individuals they prefer to turn to for work related advice. Participants were given the full list of values from the O'Reilly et al (1991) paper and asked to identify the most import two values, then the most important four values, etc. Just as the sorting methodology in the paper went through. However, the survey was administered online. For the network analysis, the data includes both a betweenness measure and a centrality measure (ndegree). The data was collected 1/15/2014-3/15/2014.
Top Tier Management Journal Publications
Rows: 2221
Category: Social Sciences
Complete list of all articles published in top tier management journals: Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, and Organization Science.