Health & Medicine Datasets

Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist, Las Vegas (NV)
$149.00 to $49.00
Rows: 376
Carefully curated list of “Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist” in Las Vegas (NV). We strive to keep our customers satisfied, so they no longer have to worry about finding quality leads. Which is why we offer a 100% data guarantee. If there is any information missing or incorrect we will replace it for you. Contact us immediately. What you will find below: - Contact Name - Company - Email - Contact no. & more
Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist, Detroit (MI)
$129.00 to $29.00
Rows: 142
Carefully curated list of “Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist” in Detroit (MI). We strive to keep our customers satisfied, so they no longer have to worry about finding quality leads. Which is why we offer a 100% data guarantee. If there is any information missing or incorrect we will replace it for you. Contact us immediately. What you will find below: - Contact Name - Company - Email - Contact no. & more
Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist, Denver (CO)
$149.00 to $49.00
Rows: 312
Carefully curated list of “Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist” in Denver (CO). We strive to keep our customers satisfied, so they no longer have to worry about finding quality leads. Which is why we offer a 100% data guarantee. If there is any information missing or incorrect we will replace it for you. Contact us immediately. What you will find below: - Contact Name - Company - Email - Contact no. & more
Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist, Dallas (TX)
$169.00 to $69.00
Rows: 385
Carefully curated list of “Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist” in Dallas (Tx). We strive to keep our customers satisfied, so they no longer have to worry about finding quality leads. Which is why we offer a 100% data guarantee. If there is any information missing or incorrect we will replace it for you. Contact us immediately. What you will find below: - Contact Name - Company - Email - Contact no. & more
Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist, Columbus (OH)
$149.00 to $49.00
Rows: 264
Carefully curated list of “Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist” in Columbus (OH). We strive to keep our customers satisfied, so they no longer have to worry about finding quality leads. Which is why we offer a 100% data guarantee. If there is any information missing or incorrect we will replace it for you. Contact us immediately. What you will find below: - Contact Name - Company - Email - Contact no. & more
Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist, Chicago (IL)
$159.00 to $59.00
Rows: 413
Carefully curated list of “Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist” in Chicago (IL). We strive to keep our customers satisfied, so they no longer have to worry about finding quality leads. Which is why we offer a 100% data guarantee. If there is any information missing or incorrect we will replace it for you. Contact us immediately. What you will find below: - Contact Name - Company - Email - Contact no. & more
Surgeon / Doctors / Dentist, Charlotte (N.C.)
$149.00 to $49.00
Rows: 256
Carefully curated list of “Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist” in Charlotte (N.C.). We strive to keep our customers satisfied, so they no longer have to worry about finding quality leads. Which is why we offer a 100% data guarantee. If there is any information missing or incorrect we will replace it for you. Contact us immediately. What you will find below: - Contact Name - Company - Email - Contact no. & more
Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist, Boston (MA)
$119.00 to $19.00
Rows: 115
Carefully curated list of “Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist” in Boston (MA). We strive to keep our customers satisfied, so they no longer have to worry about finding quality leads. Which is why we offer a 100% data guarantee. If there is any information missing or incorrect we will replace it for you. Contact us immediately. What you will find below: - Contact Name - Company - Email - Contact no. & more
Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist, Austin (Tx)
$179.00 to $79.00
Rows: 329
Carefully curated list of “Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist” in Austin (Tx). We strive to keep our customers satisfied, so they no longer have to worry about finding quality leads. Which is why we offer a 100% data guarantee. If there is any information missing or incorrect we will replace it for you. Contact us immediately. What you will find below: - Contact Name - Company - Email - Contact no. & more
Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist, Atlanta (GA)
$179.00 to $79.00
Rows: 364
Looking for a list of Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist in Atlanta (GA)? All contacts are verified as of 01/04/20. Database containing contact information of over 300+ Atlanta (GA), Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist. Firm name, website, phone, email, address, etc provided. The type of Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist, primarily practices are also identified in the category column.We stand by our verification process and will replace any contacts that bounce for free. Whether you are marketing to Atlanta (GA), Surgeon / Doctor / Dentist looking for a new job, or performing market research our list.
Tweet data on corona cases
$375.00 to $9.99
Rows: 9421
This dataset contains the tweets on the corona virus cases along with the user account name and the time and date of tweet.. This dataset is for education and implementation purpose. Make machine learning models and deep learning from it. Make the good use of it.  
$10,099.00 to $499.00
Rows: 10040
This is an email list of alternative medicine executives nationwide.  The list has 10,040 contacts.  It contains their email.